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Talbert House’s Make Camp Possible Raises $90,000 for Summer Camp

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Talbert House’s Make Camp Possible Raises $90,000 for Summer Camp

Nov 24, 2021
Kids and teacher dressed as LEGO superheroes

Annual fundraiser Builds Endless Possibilities for therapeutic-based summer camp

CINCINNATI – Talbert House’s annual fundraiser Make Camp Possible raised over $90,000 benefiting Camp Possible, a therapeutic-based summer program for children who struggle with behavioral health challenges. With the money raised, more than 60 children will be able to attend Camp Possible at no cost next summer.

Hosted by the Phoenix, attendees enjoyed dinner, drinks, music and games. The theme of Building Endless Possibilities was complete with LEGO® decorations, photobooth and appearances from two LEGO® Men. Community members were also invited to support camp through a raffle of sweet prizes and a virtual auction of family fun experiences. Photos from the event can be viewed on the Talbert House Facebook page.

Camp Possible provides a safe, structured and stable environment when school is out of session. Campers participate in traditional and non-traditional group therapy sessions and learn skills such as anger management, self-esteem, peer relations and more. It costs $1,500 per child to attend camp, which includes the cost of activities, outings, meals and transportation which are unfunded. Because over 96% of the children who attend Camp Possible are low-income, there is no cost to attend.

Thank you to Diamond Sponsors Fifth Third Bank and USI Insurance Services and Platinum Sponsor Mrs. Robert D. Stern along with many others for making this event and camp possible for so many children. Talbert House would also like to thank the Make Camp Possible committee, co-chaired by Kristin O’Brien and Nick Tepe.

If you would like to get involved with Make Camp Possible, contact Jenna Toon, Events Coordinator at (513) 751-7747 or

Two people holding signs that say "LEGO" with Batman
Two people holding picture frame
Two people with Batman and LEGO Man and LEGO sign
Two people with Batman and LEGO Man and "I love camp" sign
Four people smiling
Two people smiling
Group wearing silly glasses
Group with Batman and LEGO Man
4 people wearing silly glasses
Group holding signs
Two people with Batman and LEGO Man
Two people holding picture frame and Talbert House sign
Two people with Batman and LEGO Man
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